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Can Porcelain Veneers Make Me Love My Smile?

October 11, 2017

Filed under: Cosmetic Dentistry Blog — drasinmaz @ 8:30 pm

If you are unhappy with the way your teeth look, you’re not alone. Many people have the desire to improve the shape, size and color of their teeth. And why wouldn’t they? Smiling has been linked to healthier living, success in the workplace and increased self-esteem.

If you have damaged, chipped, discolored, crooked or uneven teeth, a non-invasive, permanent solution is Porcelain Veneers. Don’t know exactly what they are? No problem! We’ll break down the process and tell you everything you need to know. (more…)

I Want a New Smile! What Can I Do?

June 20, 2017

Filed under: Cosmetic Dentistry Blog,Orthodontics Blog,Teeth Whitening Blog — drasinmaz @ 12:18 pm

So let’s pretend you are someone who has always wanted a nice smile. You’ve had consultations with a dentist (maybe several), asked friends, done some Google researching. But it’s information overload!

Anyone who is looking to improve their smile should know there are many different treatment options available today that I like to use to deliver not only beautiful, but healthy and functional smiles. Because of the options available, I will go through the treatment options available and discuss the pros and cons to help make sense of the choices we have. (more…)

Can Porcelain Veneers Make Me Love My Smile?

July 24, 2015

Filed under: Cosmetic Dentistry Blog — drasinmaz @ 2:07 pm

If you are unhappy with the way your teeth look, you are not alone. Many people have the desire to improve the shape, size and color of their teeth. And why wouldn’t they? Smiling has been linked to healthier living, success in the workplace and increased self-esteem, to name just a few. (more…)

What Are These Black Lines Around My Teeth and Gums?

December 2, 2014

Filed under: Cosmetic Dentistry Blog — drasinmaz @ 3:25 pm

I routinely get asked “what are these black lines around my teeth and gums? I hate it!” What most patients are referring to is the unsightly color of the metal underneath their dental crown. There are many different materials that can be used in fabricating dental crowns and this particular crown, the porcelain fused to metal (or PFM), has a dark band around the margin of the crown where it meets your tooth. Over time, your gums may recede from this junction and make this black line become more evident. Today’s dentistry has advanced to the point where we can use all ceramic, tooth-colored crowns that contain no metal at all. There will never be a black line around your tooth and gums, even if the gums should show slight recession over time. They blend in beautifully with the teeth around them and they are just as strong and in some cases stronger than the traditional PFM crown. (more…)

White Teeth for the Holidays?

November 1, 2013

Filed under: Cosmetic Dentistry Blog,Teeth Whitening Blog — drasinmaz @ 5:38 pm

The holidays are just around the corner and the time to gather with friends and family is nearly upon us. Many of my patients have an affinity to inquire about whitening their teeth around this time of year. They want to look and feel their best around those they love. That is not to say that having perfectly white teeth should be a standard because it most certainly is not. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There is also something to be said about “chicklet”-looking, overly white teeth. This to me is undesirable and can in many cases look worse than not doing anything at all.  It all comes down to what your expectations are and if whiter teeth are important to YOU!