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Teeth in a Day – West-Palm Beach, FL

Get a Permanent New Smile Sooner

If you’ve been researching normal dental implant procedures, you know that under normal circumstances, you would have to wait a while after the initial surgery for your dentures to be attached. But why put off the benefits of implant dentures when modern techniques can be used to speed up the entire process? With Teeth-in-a-Day from our West Palm beach, FL dentist, you can walk out of our dental office with new dentures on the same day as your implant surgery. This approach even minimizes the number of implants needed to support your prosthetic! Call today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Asinmaz and learn more about this time-saving approach.

Senior woman with gorgeous smile after teeth in a day dental implants

How Does Teeth-in-a-Day Work?

Man with Teeth in a Day in West Palm Beach, FL

The Teeth-in-a-Day procedure involves just four dental implant posts. These posts are all that are needed to keep a denture in place whenever you speak or smile while also providing the bite force and chewing strength needed to enjoy a full nutritious diet. The implants are inserted into the thickest areas of the jawbone, with the posterior implants being placed at a 45-degree angle; this approach makes Teeth-in-a-Day viable even for people who have experienced bone loss in the jaw. A temporary denture will be attached to the implant posts once the surgery is complete.

Am I a Candidate for Teeth-in-a-Day?

Computer illustration of Teeth in a Day in West Palm Beach, FL

Teeth-in-a-Day is for patients who have lost most or all the teeth in their upper or lower jaw. They can be a good option for those who are unable to get traditional dental implants due to a lack of bone density. Inserting the implant posts at an angle allows us to maximize the use of the bone tissue that’s available, meaning it’s often possible to perform Teeth-in-a-Day without bone grafting. Before you can be considered a candidate for this or any other implant procedure, we need to confirm that you’re in good oral health. Also, you’ll have to be able to take care of your implants afterwards, which means practicing good oral hygiene and avoiding bad habits like smoking.

Benefits of Teeth-in-a-Day

Woman relaxing poolside after Teeth in a Day in West Palm Beach, FL

  • Unlike traditional dentures, implant dentures are permanent. They can be cleaned the same way as regular teeth, which will make your oral hygiene routine much easier.
  • Implant dentures feel very natural, and most casual observers won’t even realize that they’re actually prosthetic teeth.
  • The implant posts will stimulate the jawbone to prevent further bone loss. (Normally, the jaw will deteriorate after natural teeth are lost.)
  • You can eat virtually anything you want with implant dentures, which have greater bite force than traditional tooth replacements.

Teeth-in-a-Day VS. Traditional Dental Implants

Woman hugging her husband after Teeth in a Day in West Palm Beach, FL

There are several key differences between Teeth-in-a-Day and traditional implant procedures:

  • Fewer Implants: It sometimes takes as many as eight traditional implants to support a full denture. With Teeth-in-a-Day, we’ll only need to place four.
  • Less Prep: It’s less likely that you’ll need a bone graft before a Teeth-in-a-Day procedure, which means no waiting for your mouth to heal before surgery can be performed.
  • Same-Day Results: When temporary dentures can be placed right away, you won’t have to go without teeth while your mouth heals.